SAR Value

How to Check SAR Value

Every day we are surrounded by different types of electromagnetic radiation that can negatively impact our health. Even mobile phones, which we use on a daily basis, emit electromagnetic radiation because they operate using radiofrequency

How to Turn Off Xfinity WiFi at Night

How to Turn Off Xfinity WiFi at Night

Using WiFi routers in the home is a significant source of electromagnetic radiation. It’s also common for people to leave their routers plugged in throughout the day, increasing their cumulative exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). 

Computer Glasses for Eye Protection Frpm LED Light

How to Protect Eyes From LED Light

We are all familiar with LED lights since they are becoming more popular nowadays and are used by thousands of people. LED light is also emitted from our computers, smartphones, and any other light source.

Can 5G Cause Cancer, Impair Cognitive Function and Have Nefarious Use

How Does 5G Affect The Body

The 5G wireless technology takes a bigger stand and is slowly, but surely making its way across the globe. Many organizations and governments claim that there’s no reason to be scared or alarmed about the

Categories 5G