Which Bluetooth Class Has the Highest Power Output?

If you are curious about which Bluetooth class has the highest power output, you have come to the right place. In this article, I will share with you every piece of information you need to know regarding the different Bluetooth classes and which of them has the higher power output.

So, if this is something you want to learn more about, ensure to keep reading this article until the end.

Which Bluetooth Class Has the Highest Power Output
Source: Thecoldwire.com

Which Bluetooth Class Has the Highest Power Output?

Depending on the power control that is used to keep the radiation within limits, there are three different Bluetooth classes. 

The first Bluetooth power class is Class 1, with an output power of 100mW (20dBm). Thanks to this outpower, this class of Bluetooth can achieve a range of up to a hundred meters (about 328 feet). The minimum power of this class is 1mW, and the power control in this Bluetooth class is mandatory.

The second Bluetooth power class is Class 2, with a maximum output power of 2.4mW (+4dBm). The minimum output power for this class is 0.5mW (-6dBm). Regarding the range, the second Bluetooth power class has a range of about 10 meters (32 feet), and power control is optional.

Finally, the third Bluetooth power class is Class 3, with the possibility of the lowest output power, while the nominal is 1 mW. The range of this class is about one meter (3.2 feet).

So, from the information above, you can see which Bluetooth class has the highest power output. It is the Class 1 Bluetooth. Keep reading to discover what this means and how to see which Bluetooth Class your devices use.

In which devices can you find Bluetooth power class 1?

After seeing which Bluetooth class has the highest power output, I would like to pay some more attention to Bluetooth power class 1, more specifically, where you can find this type of Bluetooth class.

As I have mentioned earlier, because devices with Bluetooth power class 1 do not necessarily need power and because for this Bluetooth power class, the power is not mandatory, class 1 can usually be found in larger devices such as desktop computers and laptops.

Thanks to the features and benefits of Bluetooth power class 1, all the devices with this particular Bluetooth class can use both the processing power of the computer and the substantial power output to accomplish quicker data transmission and more extended signal range.

How to Find Out Which Bluetooth Class Your Device Has
Source: Skillfulblue.com

Is Bluetooth power class 1 harmful to human health?

With the fact in mind that the Bluetooth power class 1 has the largest power output, one can only ask if this type of radiation, Bluetooth, is harmful to human health or not. 

Although according to this research, Bluetooth devices such as speakers and earphones pose less health hazard compared to larger wireless devices, there can still be a risk from Bluetooth radiation, which yet needs to be scientifically proven.

Which type of radiation uses Bluetooth?

Bluetooth devices such as Bluetooth headphones emit a specific type of radiation, also known as non-ionizing radiation. This radiation is considered low-level radiation and is the opposite of ionizing radiation, which is considered high-level radiation.

The non-ionizing radiation can come from two sources, natural and artificial. The most common types of artificial non-ionizing radiation are wireless devices (such as cell phones, cell towers, Bluetooth speakers, etc.), tanning beds, microwave ovens, household wiring, powerlines, LED lights, incandescent lights, etc.

On the other hand, the natural sources of non-ionizing radiation are light and heat from the sun.

What are the possible health hazards of Bluetooth radiation?

When it comes to the type of radiation Bluetooth is, you first must know that although this radiation is considered one of the safer, there are still particular risks to people’s health as there is not enough scientific research or evidence claiming the opposite that Bluetooth radiation is safe.

One thing we know for sure is that because Bluetooth devices’ radiation is way less than the radiation from cell phones, it is believed not to be as dangerous. In other phones, using Bluetooth earphones can be less health-threatening than using cell phones or computers.

That said, the possible hazards of long-term exposure to Bluetooth radiation might be headaches, dizziness, short-term blurred vision, irritability, etc. But as I have said, there is no concrete proof to confirm this yet.

What Is the Most Common Type of Bluetooth Power Class?

Another commonly asked question besides which Bluetooth class has the highest power output is what is the most common type of Bluetooth power class. As some of you might have already guessed, the most common Bluetooth power class is Class 2

This Bluetooth power class comes with an optimal range of about ten meters or 32 feet, which is ideal for average users and households. The maximum power output of this class is 2.4mW, making this Bluetooth power class the ideal one for everyday use.

How to Find Out Which Bluetooth Class Your Device Has

If, after seeing all this information regarding which Bluetooth class has the highest power output, you want to find out which Bluetooth class your device has, you might have to try hard to get to that information.

As Bluetooth classes can differ from device to device, manufacturers usually do not disclose the type of Bluetooth class. You can see the version of Bluetooth a particular device has because the manufacturers are obligated to disclose that information. However, when it comes to the type of Bluetooth power class, things are not so simple.

The best way you can find out which Bluetooth class your device has is to directly contact the customer service team of the brand of the device you want to buy or already own. The reason behind this is that some manufacturers include different Bluetooth classes in the same cell phone devices. For instance, an X mobile device might have Bluetooth power class 2, and the X Pro version of that device might have Bluetooth power class 1.

Therefore, ensure to contact the manufacturer or any responsible person before buying any type of device if the Bluetooth power class is a feature that matters to you.

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Scott Freeman

Scott Freeman is a seasoned expert in EMF protection with over 10 years of experience in the field. Holding a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master's in Environmental Science, Scott possesses a unique blend of technical and environmental knowledge. Throughout his career, he has been dedicated to researching, developing, and promoting effective EMF protection products that prioritize both safety and efficiency. Scott's passion for helping others make informed decisions has made him a sought-after speaker and writer on the subject of electromagnetic field safety.

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